K-12 Schools
One-stop solutions for school management, from budgets and finances to scheduling and attendance management, we offer professional level school management for K-12 schools.
All-In-One Platform For K-12 Schools
OpenEduCat is an affordable solution for K-12 schools, providing you with the best technology. It offers a wide variety of products that are easy to use, affordable and all-round.
Online Admissions, Enrollment & Student Profiles
Implementing online admissions, enrollment, and student profiles, K-12 schools can reduce administrative workload, improve data management, and enhance communication with families and students.
Simplify the enrollment process
Improve data management
Enhance communication
Increase efficiency
Easy Attendance & Gradebook Management and Automated Notifications
Incorporating these features, K-12 schools can improve their data management processes, enhance communication and collaboration, and provide more accurate and up-to-date information.
Increased Efficiency
Streamline Record-Keeping
Improved Communication
Better Transparency
Time Savings
Online Assessments & Supervision
Utilizing online assessments and supervision, K-12 schools can increase accessibility, improve assessment quality, and enhance data management, helping to support student learning and success.
Convenient and Efficient
Increased Accessibility
Improved Assessment Quality
Enhanced Data Management
Data-Driven Decision Making
Online Invoicing, Payments & Sponsorship Management
If you're a teacher, school owner or manager, OpenEduCat is the invoice and payment management solution designed specifically for organizations in the education industry.
Increased Efficiency
Improved Cash Flow
Better Record-Keeping
Enhanced Transparency
Convenient Access
Empower Your School's Journey to Excellence - Discover Our K-12 School Management Solution Now!
Benefits of Using OpenEduCat’s K-12 School Management Solution
Streamlined Administrative Processes
Enhanced Student Experience
Helpful Study Reminders
Digital Report Cards
Access To Learning Resources
Communication Tools
School Performance Monitoring
Easy Customization and Scalability
Frequently Asked Question
What is OpenEduCat's K-12 School Management Solution?
OpenEduCat's K-12 School Management Solution is a comprehensive software system designed to meet the specific needs of K-12 schools, including primary and secondary educational institutions. It offers features for administrative management, academic planning, student information, and communication.
How does the system facilitate communication between teachers, students, and parents?
OpenEduCat's K-12 School Management Solution includes communication tools such as messaging, announcements, and parent portals, enabling seamless interaction and updates between educators, students, and parents.
Can the solution manage student records efficiently?
Yes, the platform includes features for student enrollment, attendance tracking, report card generation, and academic history management. It ensures that student records are accurate and up to date.
Is the solution scalable for K-12 schools of different sizes?
Yes, the solution is scalable and can accommodate the needs of K-12 schools of varying sizes, from small private schools to large school districts.
How does the system ensure data security and privacy compliance for student and school records?
OpenEduCat's K-12 School Management Solution includes security features such as user authentication, access control, and data encryption to protect sensitive student and institutional data. It helps schools maintain compliance with data privacy regulations.
Available Features
Customer Testimonial
One of the features that is frequently praised is the online fee collection capability, which enables educational institutions to easily collect any type of fees online, including annual, examination, and tuition fees.

Jorge D.
Director Executive

It is a modular solution with various functional modules. This makes it ideal for a minimum budget. You have the option to choose modules to implement and add more as you grow.

Munyaradzi Sydney C.
System Developer

The UI is very helpful. The faculty members of the university find that very easy to learn. We were using the OpenEduCat for our faculty management and across the university.

Abdullah H.
Software Developer