Live Classroom
Live Classroom Management Software
OepnEduCat’s Classroom comes with a dynamic set of teaching and
learning tools to simulate
a physical classroom learning
Present makes taking attendance fast, accurate and easy. Get a clear view of your entire class roster. Quickly find who's in, who's out and who's absent.
- Best in industry class attendance tool
- Fast-paced attendance taking via class roster
- The automatic rooster takes account of all the present students

Proctored Assignments
Faculties can use the live session to create, edit, and assign (or re-assign) both team and individual assignments.
- Full view of monitor available with students shown side by side
- Hand out live assessments, quizzes, and tests
- Each graded result easily available in the online grade book
Participation Tracking
Participate in class discussion by sharing points of view, asking questions, and contributing to group projects.
- Effective participation tracking functionality
- Participants are automatically listed in order of class participation level
- Student talking time recorded with ease

Virtual Desk View
The OpenEduCat Classroom shows you students attending a classroom session.
- Simulates real-time classroom view for a teacher
- View students in an OpenEduCat classroom with a graphical seating chart
Class Dashboard
Track all student attendance, education, interactions, and more. Analytics help you see students' progress toward their goals
- View all-time class dashboard with ease
- Keeps track of attendance, interaction, participation, and more in a classroom