Streamline the Documentation Process of Educational Institutions by Utilizing E-sign
Discover how OpenEduCat's e-signature and document creation tools can enhance your school's efficiency by minimizing paperwork and streamlining document workflows. Implement an electronic signature system that caters to the needs of college students. Learn how esignature solutions can expedite student enrollment.
Affordable Tools + Paperless Processes
Enhanced Speed of Application Procedures
OpenEduCat simplifies the handling of new student applications and existing student records by enabling easy e-signature and submission of information by students and parents to your team.
Simplified Digital Archiving
The education industry's paperwork burden is addressed by OpenEduCat, enabling quick and convenient tracking through searchable student data archival.
Improved Templates and Forms
Digital platforms enable efficient management and organization of student loan and financial aid applications, registration packages, and other forms, benefiting administrators.
Discover How OpenEduCat E-sign Can Revolutionize Your Document Processing

Sign Documents
You can digitally sign documents yourself, obtain in-person signatures, or send documents to collect signatures from anyone.
Configure Workflows
When sending a document to multiple recipients, you can define the signing order and have control over how they receive and sign your documents.
Track Status
Keep track of every step in the document signing process with instant alerts and notifications, providing updates on the status of each document.
Bulk Send
Effortlessly send documents to multiple signers with just one click, eliminating the need for time-consuming manual paperwork.
Reusable Templates
Save time and effort by creating personalized templates once and utilizing them indefinitely.

eSign Solutions For Education Institutions Schools, College & University
E-sign solutions can be used to sign admission forms and other related documents. This can make the process faster and more efficient, and it can also make it easier for students who are applying from different locations.
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Documents related to financial aid and scholarships often require signatures from students, parents, and school officials. Using an E-sign solution can streamline this process and make it easier for all parties involved.
Transcripts and Diplomas
Schools can use E-sign solutions to sign and send transcripts and diplomas electronically. This can speed up the process and reduce the need for physical mail.
Faculty Contracts
E-sign solutions can be used to sign faculty contracts, making the hiring process more efficient.
Parent-Teacher Communication
Schools often need to send documents to parents that require their signature, such as permission slips for field trips. An E-sign solution can make this process easier and more efficient.
Internal Administration
E-sign solutions can also be used for internal administrative purposes, such as signing off on budget proposals or other internal documents.
Use Cases
Schools and universities leverage electronic signatures for various scenarios
Student loan documents
HR documents
Progress reports
Financial aid paperwork
Course assignment
Permission slips
Offer letters
Leave applications