Core Features
OpenEduCat core features consist of modules necessary for running any educational institute. Let it be easy to use student information management system, faculty management, course management, a helpful enrolment and examination management along with integrated financial management.

Keep all student information at one place for easy access where and when needed to make informed decisions.
Student Portal
Activity and Achievements
Health Information
Address & Parental Information
Detailed Student Profile
Student Categorization
Multiple Course Admission
Application & Admission

Easily manage information of faculty like skills, degrees, courses and previous employment records.
Faculty Profile
Skill Tracking
Connected with HR Management
Class Room Scheduling
Course Scheduling
Payroll & Expenses

Efficiently manage courses, subject and sessions for the educational institute with the click of a button.
Lesson Plan
Course Hierarchy
Report Card

Create easy to follow simple and transparent registration process to make quick and easy enrollment.
Online Enrollment
Planned Admissions
Seats Management
Integrated Communication
Document Management

Schedule examination through various methods like CCE, CPA and much more with just a few clicks.
Multiple Evaluation Methods
Online Exams
Automated Report Card
Statistical Reports and Charts

Manage financial activities through various payment methodologies and flexible payment system.
Easy Collection Process
Automated Fees Reminder
Expense and Income
Complete Financial Management Suite
Easy Reconciliation
Assets and Liabilities
Detailed Compliance Reports
Balancesheets, Profit & Loss & General Ledger